Marni G's Randomness

The truth as we know it


So: a) I'm hotter than previously thought b) last night was official hit-on-marni night or c) at the full moon guys are hopeless to my feminine wiles

OK. So, lets recount yesterday. Marni and I went to Full Moon, my favorite Sunday night hangout, to watch Ben Kilgore and Matt Fischer of The Hero Factor. So, Jarod the waiter, the one I wrote about yesterday, hit on me some more. Remembered me, (and my "Betty Davis Eyes"), teased me about my drink of choice (Sex on the Beach), and brought me 3 cherries for my drink when he realized I didn't have one. A bit later, he proceeded to actually feed me a cherry, show me that he was able to tie the cherry stem in a knot with his tongue (as did two other friends of mine....) and bring me a little plastic cup full of them. As if that wasn't enough, a guy who graduated with me in high school, and who i didn't know then, started hitting on me, etc etc. By the end of the night, he came over, whispered in my ear that I was a beautiful woman, and he was going to give me something he hoped I'd use, then he passed me his phone number... I mean geez. I have never been so blatantly hit on in my life. I must say that it was a good ego boost though... :)
So, Ben played great songs, like Radiohead's Creep, and Marni and I watched a hot-as-hell Johnny Depp lose out to Sean Penn on the projection screen. Good fun with good friends, but it does turn out that Ben doesn't feel he knows She Talks to Angels well enough to play it. Well, at least I asked. Oh, and last night I learned that girls who like Final Fantasy as much as I do are sexy.... ;) Thanks........ ::blush::


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