Marni G's Randomness

The truth as we know it


Can you say "animal magnetism"?

So, worked out again today. Two miles today, but it was in the middle of the day, so there was no frat-boy-basketball going on. Not that that matters, it just always brings up stories. And as Marni says, "all your stories are the same, they are just different names, and different places, but its the same basic story." I need to get me some new stories. And lessons in English grammar apparently too.
Had a test too, we won't discuss that.
Discovered I have yet ANOTHER doc appointment tomorrow morning... ::sigh:: You'd think they'd have figured out I'm irreversibly screwed up by now and just decided to leave me alone. Whatever. Then after a long nap, and being able to fit into my jeans again (yay!) I watched Friends and hung out with Meg. We watched About a Boy, and forced Nomar to take pills, which was quite the ordeal, almost worse than when Jackson needs a bath.
Marni and I went to store, I was a bit manic again, and the people at Reasor's definitely thought I was on something. Here's where the "animal magnetism" comes into play. At least two guys hit on us again.... I don't know what the deal is, but every time we go anywhere, this same thing seems to happen. ::sigh:: whatever. So now, its time for me to write a paper. I will bid you all ado, and tell you to think about this: This woman played the part of Satan in the recent movie... hm.... I'm kind of offended that she/he is so pale... ::sigh::


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