Marni G's Randomness

The truth as we know it


Sometimes life is just plain trying

Today started out good. Didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Read. Went to church. Got into a fight with my best friend. I'm not really sure why, or what it was really about. All I know is that it hurt. A lot. And I haven't cried this much in a while. Could I just go somewhere and start over? New life? Thats what I want. I've also been getting lectured about my suicidal thoughts. Gee, isn't this a happy blogspot... Don't mean to bring you all down.

On the happy side, Marni and I went to see Deli Man at Albertson's, and he was pointing us out to his friends and what not. That was exciting. Oh, I napped, but thats definitly not new.

I'm trying hard not to let other people control my feelings, but sometimes, I'm just not strong enough. Its all about my rosary tonight. Me and my rosary, maybe we can get some things straightened out together. Lets hope.


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