Marni G's Randomness

The truth as we know it


Everyone wants to be my friend :D

Anyone know how many days til my 21st? 8 days, thats right, the countdown continues. Today was all blah outside, which made all my ailments decide to become very painful, funness. Oh, and I swear Marni and I almost got kicked out of the grocery store today, that was fun. Although, the frozen pizza man couldn't help but try to become friends with us. But then again, who can. I've been talking to a lot of friends online lately, even some that I haven't talked to in a while, and others who I don't get to see cause they live so far away. Its crazy how much I miss my friends sometimes. I wish you all could be here for my 21st, it would be a blast! Anyway, nothing else exciting going on today, thats for sure. Same ol, same ol... Hope everyone else is enjoying their weeks. Oh, and check out my roommie's new blog spot.


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