Marni G's Randomness

The truth as we know it


I should work at EB Games

So, updating the blog again. Not much exciting has been going on around here. I'm going to see the Passion tomorrow, and I'm stoked. I know its going to be emotional and very passionate (no pun intended), but I'm ready for that right now. I dyed my hair the other day, it was time for a change. I've also started working out on a daily basis, I only got 2 miles done today, but hey, thats better than nothing. I'm working for abs of steel by the summer, so today was abs day as well. And I got to watch American Idol and the Real World with Marni, Nick, and Sean, which was way fun. plus we played 1080 Avalanche.

Which reminds me... We went to EB Games to trade in Bustin' Out cause I beat it and its too "high maintence" for Marni... lol So, we were there for about 1-2 hours, and in that time, at least 4 guys hit on us. Thinking it was just soooo cute that we were both named Marni, and sooooo cool that we loved video games, and knew more about them than they did. So, we ended up with 1080 Avalanche, Meteroid Zero Factor, and 3 demos, including one for the new Jet Li game. But it is rather weird when there are high schoolers hitting on you, this seems to be happening to me alot lately... hmmm.

I went to my orthopedist yesterday, and he says I'm not out of the woods yet, but from what he sees as of now, I don't need surgery, which is very good news. I do have to go back in 6 weeks and get aNOTHer X-ray to see how its going. I've also talked to some docs, and may be part of a study of people with bipolar disorder. I'm kind of excited, I've never been part of a study, so, maybe it'll be fun, or maybe they'll publish something about me, whatever. Okay, time to clean, and get ready for bed. Night all...


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