Marni G's Randomness

The truth as we know it


Matthew Metzger Rules

So, today was American Idol day, as Tuesday's usually are (followed by the Real World: San Diego, of course). And it was the special Wild Card show. Let me tell you, while Suzy Vulaca was the best singer, in my opinion, I definitly voted for Matthew Metzger... He's awesome, and so definitly my favorite. I mean, him and the other Matt, the big football player Matt. So I have a bit of a crush on one of the contestants... Oh well... :) Anyhow, it was an exciting show, which I watched with Marni and Nick (who looks like Matthew, by the way. lol), and we had loads of fun. I decided that if I were in the live audience, I'd be the one clapping and cheering while everyone boos at Simon's commentary. Everyone would hate me. It would be great.

So, we also watched the Real World, which we went home for, and watched with Sean, not Nick. We are just popular, what can I say. We saw a commercial for the new MTV show, I Want a Famous Face. I'm actually way excited about the show, don't ask why, morbid curiousity I guess. Some guy wants to look like my future husband (Brad Pitt, in case you didn't know), but I just don't see how that would possibly happen.

Anyhow. I don't know if you guys heard about the hacker who hacked into the school closings the other day, I just read about it on Nick's blog (click on the link to ther right if you want to read it). I had to read it, cause I got into trouble today for reading the rest of the blog and not clicking on the link... So, I had to go do that, and actually, it was really freakin funny. Thanks Nick.


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