Marni G's Randomness

The truth as we know it


Another long day

Ug. One of those days. My allergies have been going absolutely nuts, so its been Benedryl naps all day it seems. But they seem to be getting better. Saw some friends earlier when they came over to drop off a movie, and then we had the usual Tuesday night, "Real World" get together, followed by some 1080. Great fun indeed. Was up pretty late last night, cause we watched Rain Man with Nick, seeing that we've been quoting it, and yet, had never seen it. Going thru FFX some more, I want to be sure to get all the aeons and such this time. I'm such a nerd its not even funny.
So, other than that and the usual, its been pretty uneventful around here. Although, I must say, I am curious as to who all reads my blog... I have a counter now, and so that gives me an idea of how often its looked at, but still not who. So, drop me a line, or IM me or something to let me know if you read them, I'm just curious. Anyway. Nothing else exciting, I think I'm just gonna go now, do stuff, or whatever.


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