Marni G's Randomness

The truth as we know it


Last Day of Unemployedness....

Phew, I'm tired.... Helped Marni move more stuff today. Had an interesting experience when we decided to take Jackson with us, suddenly smelled something horribly foul, and learned that he made a mess of the Risk box. Anyhow. What else what else. Oh, forgot to write yesterday about Sunday night, noticed when I read Marni-o's blog. Sunday night at Full Moon, it was only 3 of us, Marni-o, Michael, and I. But it was the best time EVER. Hmm, I'll just say a few things.... uh: Punky Brewster, Kilbasa, Lemons flying thru the air (right past Ben's head), and "I'm Rick James Bitch!" Oh, it still makes me smile. You guys who didn't come, I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not. It wouldn't have been as fun had anyone else been there. Gwahahahaha. But maybe you can have fun with us next time. Perhaps.
I start work tomorrow. I know what you're saying, "Marni Tanya? Working? What has the world come to?!?!?!" But alas, tis true, I will be officially a part of the working community as of tomorrow. So, wish me luck! Oh, and in case you didn't know, I have a new (well, its been around for a while, just never used) screenname that I'm using on my phone: marnilicious13, after the nickname that Libs gave me a couple years ago. OK, best be off to bed now so I can be up and at work bright and early at 8am.


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