Marni G's Randomness

The truth as we know it


Wow, I Forgot I Had a Blog!

So, I haven't written in almost a year. Crazy. I randomly decided to read my big bro's blog. You learn a lot about people by reading their blogs. I don't get to talk to him or see him as often as I'd like, so it was a good way to find out whats going on in his life. Now I have to call him. I should probably wait til I'm sure he'll be awake, so, about 5 this evening. Just kidding, he's doing better about getting up on time.

I'm still working at SRG these days. Sit in front of a computer most of the day, and go outside occasionally to recieve items. Thats my general life. I guess thats what its like when you grow up. I don't feel like I've "grown up" yet... Is that bad? I mean, I'm only 22... Eh.

I went out last night with some friends to Danny Bob's Hideout (yeah, I thought it was a strange name too). A friend of mine won the karaoke contest! Yay Desiree! So, I got up and did a song, Hit Me With Your Best Shot, with Michelle and Desiree, not quite ready to do karaoke on my own yet. Then we went to IHOP, where we met some interesting people. This guy was taking pictures of us, and of every random thing, like my plate of food, which was apparently gross, cause I eat only the whites of eggs, so he felt like the yolks were staring at him, and when he sat with us, eventually covered them with a napkin. Yeah, he sat with us. Apparently a philosophy prof at OSU. Strange guy, but a lot of fun. He ended up paying for a our midnight snack, cause we'd been "such good sports". So, I stayed the night at Michelle and Lindsey's, so I wouldn't bug my parents.

Yeah, still at the parents, but I'm just trying to pay everything off, and save up money for various things, so I'm not worried about moving out too soon. I mean, free food, no rent, no electric bill, its not half bad. Plus, I leave for camp on the 7th of June, so why should I pay rent for a place I only stay at on the weekends. Also, I still wanna move away. I've been surveying my options, I'd like to move to another city for about a year, and then move out of the country for at least a year. I know it sounds crazy to some people, but I just feel like its something I need to do, go out, experience the world. And not as a tourist, but live in another culture. As for the other city, I might move to Austin, if Logan decides to go to grad school there. She was accepted, and that way, neither of us would be alone. I've also considered Boulder, Boston, NY, Chicago, Dallas, Memphis, Nashville.... Right now I just want something new, new places, new people, new experiences. Don't get me wrong, I love the people here, but I wanna see what else is out in the world. I've been in the same city for almost 18 years now. Yeah, I've traveled to Europe a few times, and Mexico and Canada, but I'm tired of a being a tourist.

Speaking of Mexico, I leave on the 16th. Woohoo! Oh, and for those of you who've read my brother's blog, it IS about time for him to go, he hasn't been in 10 years.... I haven't been in about 3 and I'm going insane. I miss them so much, its not even funny. So, I'm counting the days. 25 days.

Ok, well, I doubt anyone will read this, seeing that I haven't written in forever, but I'm putting it out there anyway... Have a great weekend (or whats left of it anyway!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marns! I'm so glad to get your email:) Just wanted to say hey and that I'm glad you've got the ol' blog back up and running.
What's this about physical therapy assistant way back when? Shit, girl, you should go all the way, become a certified PT and rake in the cash!
Anyway, thanks for the link. Now I can be in-the-know when I can't call you all the time:)
Hope you're well, Marnilicious! Love, Libby

7:57 PM  

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