Marni G's Randomness

The truth as we know it


Let Me Set the Record Straight

I've been thinking about what I've written on the past couple days. I realize I wrote about how I want to move away, but first of all, thats not gonna happen for a while. I'll be here for my next birthday, and quite possibly the one after that. And as for the things here, and wanting to meet new people and have new experiences... By no means does that mean I don't love the people here. Yeah, there are people I don't wanna be around, but for the most part they're out of my life (except for the occasional run in randomly around town), and there are gonna be people like that anywhere I live. No place is perfect. But, most of the people I'm around, I love. I am very lucky to work with some of the very best people I've ever known, and I'm unbelievably grateful that I've had them in my life for about 17 years now. They are who I will miss when I leave. Especially two of the best friends I've ever had, who both work with me now! But, like I said, I won't have to miss them for a long time. I mean, I gotta be here in case someone needs a godmother in the future. :)

So - you guys know who you are, and thanks for always being there, even when I go thru the rough spots. I was talking to someone recently who'd been thru alot of the things I've been thru, and even more. In talking to her, I realized one very good thing that came from my rough spots. I know my friends love me, I know they're there for the long haul, and accept me, good and bad. No one else would have put up with all that stuff.

And the other thing I wrote about yesterday. In my question to everyone, I want you to know that I don't regret for a moment where I am. Yeah, its not where I thought I'd be, but I'm happy with it. This is where I am, where I'm supposed to be, and no matter what the "plans" were, I am thankful everyday for where I am. These past 3 years have taught me so much, I'm not the naive little girl I was when I graduated high school. As hard as those lessons were to learn, thank God I learned them.

But enough of this serious stuff. Something incredible happened today.... My brother actually invited me over to his place to hang out and watch a movie, and have dinner. Wow. I didn't think the day would ever come. So, I have to go, set the VCR to record American Idol. Who do you want to win? Carrie Underwood or Bo Bice? I am pretty torn, but, I also know they'll both end up with contracts in the end, and I always said that a white guy would win this year, look at the pattern of past American Idols.... I've been saying it for a year now, so we shall see....


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