Marni G's Randomness

The truth as we know it


Almost Friday......

So, I think I figured out the whole posting pictures thing. Sure, it doesn't look nearly as cool as the ones on my big bros page, but hey, I do what I can. So, for all of those who wonder, does Marni really have a Mexican family? And are they Mexican, or are they just American's living in Mexico? Well, here's the pics to show you what my family looks like. The first picture is of 3 of my uncles. My grandparents each had 6 kids from their first marriages, were widowed, got married to each other, and had 4 more - the youngest being my mom. So these 3 uncles are the other 3 kids that they had together.

This pic is of all of the family that was able to make that reunion. There are 7 of my 9 cousins from the 3 uncles shown above, the son of one of my cousins, and also one of my aunts, and her parents. I wasn't there, which is very sad indeed.... But, I'm going to Mexico soon, so I'll be in all the family pics! yay!

And finally, my cousins... :) There are a couple missing, but these are the cousins I grew up with, for the most part. I miss them so much, and haven't seen them in 4 years, some of them I haven't seen in close to 8 years.... I wish I could live closer to my family.

So there you go, mi familia. :)

Other than that the weeks been alright, had an interesting day on Tuesday, some of you know about that, and understand why I'm not gonna go into detail. I've been cleaning up my office, tying up loose ends, since I'll be gone to camp on Tuesday. And its exactly 2 weeks from today that I'll be happily arriving in Mexico. I'm excited about the summer. Its what I look forward to all year.

The other big news (big to me anyway) is that I started playing the piano again. I mean really playing. Right now I'm teaching my self a piece by Scarlatti, and if I can get my copy of Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier back, then I'll start playing some preludes and fugues. I'm gonna play one of the Beethoven Sonatas too, the one I was playing my last semester as a piano performance major. I figure, if I'm gonna play, I'm really gonna play. Its amazing how much I love playing the piano.

Ok, well, I'm gonna go eat some grapes, and maybe play a little more, now that I got a break after an hour straight. A break every once in a while makes it easier to go back and tackle the tough spots. Have a great Friday!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marns, what happened on Tuesday? Sadly, I couldn't be there but it wasn't too heinous. Maybe you'll email or call me and tell me about it. Yeah, I'm a bit nosey, but I like to know what's shakin' with my Marnilicious:)

8:44 PM  

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