Back from Norman
I ended Memorial Day weekend with a short trip to Norman, with Michelle to visit Desiree. We had so much fun. We took my car down there yesterday, and went first to a pub, and sang a little karaoke, despite the fact that I didn't really want to.... That tends to happen around Desiree. After that we headed out to a bar for someone's birthday. Michelle and I sat and spent most of the time listening to one guy tell us story upon story. It was actually pretty funny the way they all tried to one up each other. So we just sat around, had some drinks, and talked. It was a really good time. I met some really nice people, and I'd definitly be up for hanging out with all them again. We went to IHOP afterwards, as usual. Stayed there til around 3:30, 4 am. Then we went back to Des' place, and about 4 of us watched Tombstone and fell asleep. I woke up to French toast, which hasn't happened since high school. Thanks Desiree, it was awesome! So, everyone left, and Michelle and I hung around and the three of us gossiped about everyone from high school. It was actually a really great little road trip. The most fun I've had in a while. Plus, the conversations Michelle and I had on the way to and from Norman, were quite interesting.... to say the least. I can't wait to hang out with Michelle and Des again, we have such a great time, without getting into too much trouble, which is pretty important. But, I gotta go, I think I'm gonna crash early. I didn't get more than 4 hours of sleep, if that. And the little sleep I got was on the floor of her apartment, not too comfy, and a bit cold. But, I guess I could have fought for a spot on the bed or in the recliner, but then again, given my choices, who really believes I would have tried for one of those spots.... I hope you guys had as great a weekend as I did. :)