Marni G's Randomness

The truth as we know it


Back from Norman

I ended Memorial Day weekend with a short trip to Norman, with Michelle to visit Desiree. We had so much fun. We took my car down there yesterday, and went first to a pub, and sang a little karaoke, despite the fact that I didn't really want to.... That tends to happen around Desiree. After that we headed out to a bar for someone's birthday. Michelle and I sat and spent most of the time listening to one guy tell us story upon story. It was actually pretty funny the way they all tried to one up each other. So we just sat around, had some drinks, and talked. It was a really good time. I met some really nice people, and I'd definitly be up for hanging out with all them again. We went to IHOP afterwards, as usual. Stayed there til around 3:30, 4 am. Then we went back to Des' place, and about 4 of us watched Tombstone and fell asleep. I woke up to French toast, which hasn't happened since high school. Thanks Desiree, it was awesome! So, everyone left, and Michelle and I hung around and the three of us gossiped about everyone from high school. It was actually a really great little road trip. The most fun I've had in a while. Plus, the conversations Michelle and I had on the way to and from Norman, were quite interesting.... to say the least. I can't wait to hang out with Michelle and Des again, we have such a great time, without getting into too much trouble, which is pretty important. But, I gotta go, I think I'm gonna crash early. I didn't get more than 4 hours of sleep, if that. And the little sleep I got was on the floor of her apartment, not too comfy, and a bit cold. But, I guess I could have fought for a spot on the bed or in the recliner, but then again, given my choices, who really believes I would have tried for one of those spots.... I hope you guys had as great a weekend as I did. :)


In the Middle of a Three Day Weekend

I just woke up, and thought I'd check out my email, etc. Got an email from my uncle about the trip - yay! Only 18 days until MEXICO!

My weekend so far has consisted of parties - no, not what you're thinking. Friday night I went to a bowling slumber party that my best friend threw for her 7-year-old. I bowled too, and yeah, I still suck. :) But, I did get 2 strikes, and eventually was beat by a 13-year-old. So, we went back to the house, and helped them tye die shirts.

Then, yesterday, I went to a graduation party for one of my former CITs. Hung out there for a while, and then went off to Kelsey's (the above mentioned 13-year-old) pool party. I party with around 20 13-year-olds, you can imagine what that was like.... And then I came home. Now I've got to get ready to go to OKC tonight to visit Des with Michelle. See you all later!


This is gonna be quick

I don't know how many people are actuallly reading my blog. I'm kinda curious....
Anyway. Haven't done much. Oh, my brother came over before he left for Sean and Liz's wedding, and guess what he brought. He actually brought his PS2 for me to borrow while hes gone. Wow. This is a side of Eric I don't see often, and seems to be becoming the norm. It makes me happy, hes called, we've hung out, and now he's letting my borrow things. I know it seems small, but for me, its huge. I love my big brother and wish I could spend more time with him. Also, Carrie won American Idol (see links on previous blog, I don't have time to relink... I know, I'm lazy). I was upset for Bo, but I really think its better that she won.
And, finally, I went to the Newman BBQ last night. It was a lot of fun. Got to talk to some people I don't really know that well, and then I ran into Nick, who I haven't seen in ages, he didn't even know about the latest car wreck (the January one). So we talked a bunch, and its just nice when you see friends you haven't seen for a while. Then, when we finally pried everyone (mainly Brandon and Carlos) away from the Mrs. World pagent, on PAX, we went outside, sat in the grass, and watched Star Wars projected on the side of the building. It was actually a lot of fun. So maybe I'll start doing that kinda stuff again, hang out with those people, etc. Ok, well, I'm off to Ally's bowling party, and to stay the night at Stacey's. I haven't gotten to hang out with her very much the past month, so I'm really looking forward to this. Hope you guys have a great weekend if I don't see you, and if I do see you, I KNOW you'll have an awesome weekend.... :)


Let Me Set the Record Straight

I've been thinking about what I've written on the past couple days. I realize I wrote about how I want to move away, but first of all, thats not gonna happen for a while. I'll be here for my next birthday, and quite possibly the one after that. And as for the things here, and wanting to meet new people and have new experiences... By no means does that mean I don't love the people here. Yeah, there are people I don't wanna be around, but for the most part they're out of my life (except for the occasional run in randomly around town), and there are gonna be people like that anywhere I live. No place is perfect. But, most of the people I'm around, I love. I am very lucky to work with some of the very best people I've ever known, and I'm unbelievably grateful that I've had them in my life for about 17 years now. They are who I will miss when I leave. Especially two of the best friends I've ever had, who both work with me now! But, like I said, I won't have to miss them for a long time. I mean, I gotta be here in case someone needs a godmother in the future. :)

So - you guys know who you are, and thanks for always being there, even when I go thru the rough spots. I was talking to someone recently who'd been thru alot of the things I've been thru, and even more. In talking to her, I realized one very good thing that came from my rough spots. I know my friends love me, I know they're there for the long haul, and accept me, good and bad. No one else would have put up with all that stuff.

And the other thing I wrote about yesterday. In my question to everyone, I want you to know that I don't regret for a moment where I am. Yeah, its not where I thought I'd be, but I'm happy with it. This is where I am, where I'm supposed to be, and no matter what the "plans" were, I am thankful everyday for where I am. These past 3 years have taught me so much, I'm not the naive little girl I was when I graduated high school. As hard as those lessons were to learn, thank God I learned them.

But enough of this serious stuff. Something incredible happened today.... My brother actually invited me over to his place to hang out and watch a movie, and have dinner. Wow. I didn't think the day would ever come. So, I have to go, set the VCR to record American Idol. Who do you want to win? Carrie Underwood or Bo Bice? I am pretty torn, but, I also know they'll both end up with contracts in the end, and I always said that a white guy would win this year, look at the pattern of past American Idols.... I've been saying it for a year now, so we shall see....


Just Another Manic Monday

Yesterday was my usual Sunday, or what used to be my usual Sunday. I haven't had one in too long... I got back to my house in the morning, and spent the day catching up on things, doing the usual stuff. And then I went to mass. Everyone's back from Ireland, so we had a bit more of a turn out to choir practice, oh wait, no we didn't. There were 5 of us, and a 6th joined us for mass. It was interesting without the guitar, I guess I'm just used to having my big brother there. Oh, but don't worry, I was referred to as Eric's sister, as usual, so he was there in spirit.

So, afterwards I stuck around and had some leftover pizza while I watched some of the guys play ping pong. I miss the pool table... In case you haven't been to Newman, the ping pong table was created by putting the table top onto the pool table. So, as long as they ping pong, I can't play pool. Oh well, I guess there have been worse things. :)

And, I finally got to go to Full Moon! Its been waaaaay too long... I went with a bunch of people from Newman, most of which I've only met once or twice. And, I ran into Megan and Mimi when I got there. Which was awesome, cause its been a really long time since I've seen either of them. I can't even remember, it might've been almost a year ago, actually, I'm pretty sure it was. So, I talked to them for a while. And sat around with everyone and listened to Ben and Matt. It was so relaxing, I'd almost forgotten how much I loved going there. It used to be what I looked forward to all week. Although, the one song I wanted to hear was Big Blue Sea by Bob Schneider, and they didn't play it before I left.... :( Oh well, I just bought it on iTunes today instead. I'm a product of commercialism and technological advancements, what can I say. But its an absolutely awesome song, I recommend that you all listen to it. Oh, and even though I don't go as often as I used to, the bouncer remembered me, name and all, well, sorta. It took him a while on the name. LOL I don't know if its cool, or pathetic when you have a place that everybody really does know your name.... I like it, its comforting, like a warm blanket. LOL Ok, I'm babbling now.

So, here's my thought for the day: Five years ago, did you think you'd be where you are now? I know that sounds cheesy, but I was thinking about it, I'm so far from where I thought I'd be. I thought I would have graduated this month, and be getting ready to move to NY to attend Eastman School of Music. Things are so far from what I planned, but just because I planned it, doesn't mean its what was meant to happen. I know that you "make your own destiny" or whatever, but sometimes life just gets in the way of that. You can't plan for what life throws you, all you can do is take it all in stride, and make the best of what you have. So that's what I"m trying to do, how well I'm doing it is anyone's guess, but I'm trying. So, that's my question to you, are you where you thought you would be?


Wow, I Forgot I Had a Blog!

So, I haven't written in almost a year. Crazy. I randomly decided to read my big bro's blog. You learn a lot about people by reading their blogs. I don't get to talk to him or see him as often as I'd like, so it was a good way to find out whats going on in his life. Now I have to call him. I should probably wait til I'm sure he'll be awake, so, about 5 this evening. Just kidding, he's doing better about getting up on time.

I'm still working at SRG these days. Sit in front of a computer most of the day, and go outside occasionally to recieve items. Thats my general life. I guess thats what its like when you grow up. I don't feel like I've "grown up" yet... Is that bad? I mean, I'm only 22... Eh.

I went out last night with some friends to Danny Bob's Hideout (yeah, I thought it was a strange name too). A friend of mine won the karaoke contest! Yay Desiree! So, I got up and did a song, Hit Me With Your Best Shot, with Michelle and Desiree, not quite ready to do karaoke on my own yet. Then we went to IHOP, where we met some interesting people. This guy was taking pictures of us, and of every random thing, like my plate of food, which was apparently gross, cause I eat only the whites of eggs, so he felt like the yolks were staring at him, and when he sat with us, eventually covered them with a napkin. Yeah, he sat with us. Apparently a philosophy prof at OSU. Strange guy, but a lot of fun. He ended up paying for a our midnight snack, cause we'd been "such good sports". So, I stayed the night at Michelle and Lindsey's, so I wouldn't bug my parents.

Yeah, still at the parents, but I'm just trying to pay everything off, and save up money for various things, so I'm not worried about moving out too soon. I mean, free food, no rent, no electric bill, its not half bad. Plus, I leave for camp on the 7th of June, so why should I pay rent for a place I only stay at on the weekends. Also, I still wanna move away. I've been surveying my options, I'd like to move to another city for about a year, and then move out of the country for at least a year. I know it sounds crazy to some people, but I just feel like its something I need to do, go out, experience the world. And not as a tourist, but live in another culture. As for the other city, I might move to Austin, if Logan decides to go to grad school there. She was accepted, and that way, neither of us would be alone. I've also considered Boulder, Boston, NY, Chicago, Dallas, Memphis, Nashville.... Right now I just want something new, new places, new people, new experiences. Don't get me wrong, I love the people here, but I wanna see what else is out in the world. I've been in the same city for almost 18 years now. Yeah, I've traveled to Europe a few times, and Mexico and Canada, but I'm tired of a being a tourist.

Speaking of Mexico, I leave on the 16th. Woohoo! Oh, and for those of you who've read my brother's blog, it IS about time for him to go, he hasn't been in 10 years.... I haven't been in about 3 and I'm going insane. I miss them so much, its not even funny. So, I'm counting the days. 25 days.

Ok, well, I doubt anyone will read this, seeing that I haven't written in forever, but I'm putting it out there anyway... Have a great weekend (or whats left of it anyway!)